FLOOD risk
green infrastructure
transport links
TRAFFIC management
local business
Next Steps
There are a several key stages in neighbourhood planning, a summary of which forms part of the Government’s Planning Practice Guidance, available online at: http://planningguidance.communities.gov.uk/blog/guidance/neighbourhood-planning/
Wymondley Parish and the WPNPF having been legally designated as a neighbourhood area and neighbourhood forum; and having prepared our draft Neighbourhood Plan, we are now at Step 3 of the planning process, i.e. public consultation on the Plan and preparation of related documentation.
Public consultation began on Monday 11th April 2016 and will end at 17.00 hours on 25 May 2016. Copies of the draft Plan, (together with a response form on which you can make constructive comments), are available on our website at: www.wymondley.org Library hard copies and response forms are also available at the Parish’s public houses and places of worship.
Once the consultation period has ended we will analyse responses and review the Plan in the light of them. A Consultation Statement will then be prepared, summarising responses and how they have been addressed. Other required documentation will also be prepared and the Plan submitted to NHDC, with a view to it being publicised for 6 weeks and then submitted to an independent examiner. If the Plan is found to meet its legal requirements and otherwise be in order it will eventually be published before being subject to a local referendum. Subject to the results, it will then be brought into force.